Fernando Daniel Ducasse (translator)


French,Italian and Spanish languages pairs translator

Fernando daniel ducasse

I'm a young translator specialized in legal and litterary translation from Spanish, French or Italian to any of those three languages.
​I worked in world known companies for years, where I had the chance to improve my language skills, as I used to work with people from all over the world.
Besides that, I love reading and I have already read too many books in any language of all my language pairs, what allows me to choose the best way to translate from one language to another without modifying the sense of the original text.
​Regarding my studies, I obtained my translation degree at the University of Buenos Aires in the combination FR/SP.

Native language: Spanish
Translates from: Spanish, French, Italian
Translates into: Spanish, French, Italian

User links: LinkedIn Proz

Books fully translated by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRoleRating
Main translator
Author review:
Buenísimo trabajo, Fernando. El único pero ha sido tener que maquetarlo para adaptarlo a las medidas estándar de edición, pero así he aprendido un poco de francés ;-) Millones de gracias, amigo.
Main translator
Author review:
Rapidissimo e preciso come pochi! Ottimo traduttore!
Main translator
Author review:
Un traduttore di una bravura incredibile! Conosce alla perfezione lo spagnolo, l'italiano e il francese.

Canceled translations by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRoleRating
Main translator
Author review:
Un bon travail de traduction de la part de Fernando. Dans les temps. C'était un plaisir. Merci
