Doreen Wong (author)

Doreen Wong is passionate about inspiring mothers to embrace motherhood as a calling.

Doreen wong

Doreen Wong is the author of The Happy Mom: Find Joy in Motherhood While Helping Your Children Thrive, which was launched in 2017.

The Happy Mom has received excellent reviews, such as the following:

“Doreen is a mom who speaks from her own vast experience. The Happy Mom is a comprehensive how-to guide filled with practical examples and thought-provoking exercises.”
- Christina Fez-Barringten, Co-Founder of Saudi Arabia Division of International Correspondence Institute

“The Happy Mom has opened my eyes and helped me to see that there’s still so much more I can impart to my children. More importantly, I’ve discovered how to continue to enjoy my calling as a mother.”
- Christina Hadiwibawa, Proud mother of four and busy lawyer

"This book is not your run-of-the-mill parenting guide. It is a delightful, practical and inspiring book. Open this book as a treasure chest and dig deep into Doreen’s wisdom.”
- Marli Spieker, Founder of Project Hannah and Women of Hope

“A very insightful, practical and fun guide to being a joyful mom who positively influences the next generation.”
- Tilana Whitcomb, Mother and grandmother

Doreen is a mother of three married children and a grandmother of six boys. She is passionate about inspiring mothers to embrace motherhood as a calling.

An occupational therapist by profession, she has lived in Singapore, New Zealand, South Africa, Hong Kong and Qatar. She has been a stay-at-home mom for 34 years.

Doreen has taught marriage preparation and family life courses, worked at a crisis hotline, served drug addicts and homeless people, run support groups for women, and developed content for an international radio program called Women of Hope.

User links: Website


The Happy Mom will guide you, step by step, to become a happier—and better—mom.
