Dieter Rudolph (author)

My first book "Farewell to Hamburg" was started around 15 years before being completed. Well I was still a working man, however I needed to commence writing before any memory losses were apparent. I at last managed to complete the book in 2012.

Dieter rudolph

A refreshing and new outlook on war torn Germany as experienced and told by a young German boy from Hamburg. The reader is able to re-live his experiences of the highs and lows of life during the Hamburg Firestorm destruction in 1943. The family receive the devastating news that his father is missing in action on the Eastern Front presumed dead, as the reports indicate his panzer unit being destroyed. Then thankfully the war ended.

Mother was able to befriend a British soldier; this Welshman who worked in the British Army kitchens was able to “supply” the necessary food to keep this family from going hungry, often via difficult and extraordinary means to ensure his own position was not damaged.

Dieter tells all of this in a heart wrenching tale and takes us with him on his journey from the destruction of Hamburg to peace time on the Welsh coast. As with all good stories there is a twist to the tale, which again sees Dieter going through yet more emotional upheaval, but with the ever present guiding hand of his older brother Hans, he is able to face up to all the trials that war had thrown at him and the utter devastation he felt as a young boy in a strange land, when the family moved to Wales he felt isolated, not able to speak the language but he takes the reader through his adventures in this strange country and shows the resilience of the young.

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A refreshing and new outlook on war torn Germany as experienced and told by a young German boy from Hamburg.
Personal working life of Dieter Rudolph
Serial Murder's of Paedophiles
Serial Murder's of Paedophiles
Serial Murder's of Paedophiles
