David McCaffrey (author)

Psychological thrillers...taking on Thomas Harris!!

David mccaffrey

I work as an Infection Prevention and Control nurse and Hellbound was my first novel.

It was published November 27th 2014 and went on to be voted one of W H Smith's most underrated crime novels of that year.

It was followed up by a novella prequel titled 'In Extremis'.

Hellbound's inspiration was related to the interesting debate to be had about criminal acts and how they affect the public consciousness and accepted rules of morality. Serial killers rarely generate feelings of sadness amongst the public, stimulating only anger, suspicion and perhaps disappointment that, in some way, we as a society let these people down. That somehow the world took children and manufactured monsters. It was this theory that fueled ‘Hellbound’.

How would you make a truly evil person suffer? Do they feel anything? Are they capable? Expose them to more darkness and you run the risk of simply hardening their resolve. But what if you expose them to light? What if you expose them to love? Would they be able to learn to feel, learn to care? And then what if you tore it all away from them. Would they understand, even remotely, what it meant to lose something you care about?

Running parallel to this is the idea of what constitutes justice and at what point does it become revenge? ‘Hellbound’ begins with Obadiah Stark aka The Tally Man, being executed for his crimes. Because of this, the death penalty and the debate of its morality plays a large part in the storyline, though never to pass an opinion one way or the other but rather to provide certain ethical scenarios which hopefully allow the reader to form their own opinion of just how far justice can be taken before it becomes something more, something dark and immoral.


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