Chiichi Barnabas (author)

Chiichi barnabas Chiichi Barnabas filled in as an Occupational specialist assistant with Jeans Unlimited in the U.S. This Internationally perceived top of the line and award-winning author committed to giving his readers quick paced, high-stakes undertakings with his is motivations sure to dissolve their hearts. As an analyst for a trendsetting innovation partnership, he is likewise a broadly acclaimed composing teacher and appreciates aggressive little bore rifle outline shooting. He lives in Portland and enjoys trail running and the occasional glass of fine red wine. Follow his Amazon author page for updates on coming titles on self-development, mindset and more.


Could the fear of dogs make you anxious to go for a walk in the park? Do you know what causes you to be afraid of dogs?
If you've always wanted to write a book, but think it’s impossible, then this is the one book you'll ever need.
If you struggle with challenging scenarios of being caught off-guard, put on the spot at work, have a phobia of speaking in public, or been the center of attention, then keep reading....
