Blake Atwood (author)

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Blake atwood

Blake Atwood is a writer, ghostwriter, and wordsmith who helps writers tell better stories, choose the right path to publication, and how to best market their words. He and his family live in Dallas, Texas, where they daily pray for the AC never to falter.

He's the author of The Gospel According to Breaking Badwhich has been translated into Spanish by Babelcube translator Manuel Bento Falcón.

Blake has also written Don't Fear the Reaper: Why Every Author Needs an Editor and is a co-author of three books, including The Father Effect with John Finch. 

Blake's ghostwritten five books and has edited dozens more. He's the co-leader of the Dallas Nonfiction Authors Association and teaches seminars and classes for Writing Workshops Dallas.

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Covering such weighty theological issues like identity, death, justice, power, fate, free will, and the gospel itself, readers will be coerced into thinking more deeply about the universal questions Breaking Bad asks.
