Giada Barone was born in 1982 in Palermo of a Tuscan mother and a Sicilian father. She lived in various parts of Italy until the age of fifteen when she moved to Mugello to set down roots and build her personal and professional life. There in Tuscany, she gave birth two children, the fruit of a great love story and a complicated relationship with her own self. After concluding her studies to become a school teacher she continued her preparation working as an educator and teacher. Always a lover of art and of the particular things that make a difference in the world, she delved into various forms of expression which flowered into the writing of "Non Siamo Tutti Uguali"(We are not all the same) her first written work which uses direct linguistic approach to tackle subjects often considered tabù.
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Una provocazione, una denuncia, un pensiero, una tesi. Ma anche un inno alla bellezza, alla diversità, alle differenze, alla vita e all’amore, nelle sue diverse forme e colori. Tanti spunti di riflessione in un testo dal linguaggio colorito, personale e p