Arshad Ahsanuddin (author)

LGBT+ Science Fiction/Fantasy Novelist

Arshad ahsanuddin

By profession, I am a hematopathologist, a laboratory physician who specializes in diagnosis of diseases of blood, bone marrow, and lymph nodes, such as leukemia and lymphoma.

My initial works are part of a futuristic paranormal romance series, the Pact Arcanum Saga, which consists of five books: Sunset, Cathedral of the Sky, Sunrise, Moonlight, and Starlight. It is best described as non-explicit, near-future gay vampire space opera. Yes, I realize the irony that I am a blood doctor who writes about vampires. ;)

I have since started a new science fiction series, The Interscission Project, which is more space opera/time travel/gay romance.  The books in that series are Zenith, Azimuth, Insurrection, Mercury, and Ascension.

User links: Website Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Amazon Goodreads


Book 5/5 - gay space opera/time travel with romantic elements
Book 2 of 5 - gay space opera/time travel romance
Book 1.5 - Gay young adult scifi romance
Book 3 of 5 space opera/time travel/gay romance
Book 4 of 5 - gay space opera/time travel with romantic elements
Book 3 - Paranormal scifi vampire romance
Book 4 - Gay scifi vampire romance
Book 2 - Gay vampire science fiction romance
Book 1. Gay vampire science fiction romance.
Book 1 of 5 - gay space opera/time travel romance
