Anne Carlisle (author)

award-winning author & professor

Anne carlisle

Anne Carlisle is an award-winning writer with a Ph. D. in English literature. Her first novel The Fire Night Ball (published on BookLocker) is literary/commerical fiction for paranormal-romance readers and New Adults. Currently a professor at University of Maryland (UMUC), she teaches college writing worldwide to U.S. military students.She served as a dean for Golden Gate University in San Francisco. Besides two novels, she has authored a book on writing, written hundreds of articles, and was awarded prizes by the ANPA and the National Writer's Club. She  is a moderator on Goodreads and works from her homes in Seattle, Key West, and Wilmington, North Carolina.

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A pregnant young woman with paranormal powers hangs on to an affair that has triggered the ancestral family curse.
Pregnant out of wedlock, a highly successful architect who is unaware of her paranormal family history, calls down a curse by obsessing over her affair.
