Hi, I've started writing books a few years ago in my native Russian language and loved it immediately. My first novel was in Romance genre - "Встретимся во Флоренции" that I've published in varios online platforms. The average vote of my readers is 4,5 out of 5.
My second novel is in a Thriller / Detective genre - Командировка - and it was completed and released in October 2020.
More books will be finished soon. I would love to get my books translated and available also for readers in other languages. Will review all translation offers.
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«Бурная ревность совершает больше преступлений, чем корысть и честолюбие». Вольтер.
“Если хочешь выигрывать наверняка, изобрети свою собственную игру, а правил никому не рассказывай.” - Эшли Бриллиант