Agustin Rubini (author)


Agustin rubini

Financial savant, author, and advocate, Agustín Rubini has many interests and is devoted to excelling in these fields. With many years of experience as a financial industry strategist, Agustín is passionate about the world of finance and the future of financial services. He spends much of his time speaking and writing about fintech and advising businesses on innovation and digital transformation.

He has a strong background in developing digital strategy, driving innovation in the financial services industry, and is well versed in the disruptive effect of technology on the financial services industry. As a means of helping others understand the complexities of the financial services industry, Agustín wrote and published Fintech in a Flash, a comprehensive guide to financial technology. As a resident of London, Agustín’s love of the UK led to the release of his first book, a touristic novel about a young Latin American’s first trip to London. An advocate of child welfare, arts and culture, and a proponent of education, Agustín combines his love of science and technology, knowledge, and compassion to effect positive change and offer a better understanding of our complex world.

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