Your Other Body by Lisa Wagman

Your Other Body helps you see yourself as the soul, within your flesh, which gives you insight into another understanding of yourself and with others

Your other body

Have you ever met someone you instantly felt you know? Why do our dreams hardly make sense? What are guides? Why do some people feel like a female in male gender or a male in female gender? These are just some of many questions you may have.

Your Other Body takes you into a deep dive of your soul:

* Soul mates, connections, and guides - who they are, and your relationships
   with them.
* Dreams - three different types we have and their relevance to your soul.
* Reincarnation - its purpose, why we continue to do so, and what the body gives you.


First time author Lisa Wagman, speaks to us about memory. 

She explains: 

I have always known no one can teach us about our soul through spiritual groups and gurus, no matter what their credentials are. No one is more spiritual than someone else because we all have souls, and we all live through them occasionally in the body. The only way to learn about your soul is by remembering it, which we do while we sleep, but with enormous limitations. Our guides enable this.

Lisa shares her limited memory with us, giving us insight, which enables you to recognize your own memory


Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Affirmations

Language: English

Keywords: soul development

Word Count: 27500

Sales info:
Selling in south africa,.uk and india.
Sample text:

As souls, we all strive to live in balance of wholeness, which is living in all complete knowledge, equal to each other. Think of balance as a cherry pie. The pieces of the pie are knowledge. When the pie is whole, without missing pieces, it is balanced. When pieces are missing, the pie no longer has equal weight. One side is heavier.
Compare this to a work your soul does in the body. When you live as a man or woman, it enables you to first feel and then process masculine and feminine energy into your soul. You will live in many incarnations as males in order to acquire masculine energy in its completion. Therefore masculine energy is a part of your soul. To live in a balance of both energies, you also must live in many incarnations as females in order to acquire feminine energy in its completion. Therefore feminine energy is a part of your soul. You will live in both body types until your soul lives in complete energy of both—balanced and no longer living more in one than the other. Both energies become characteristics of your soul.
In the body, some of us struggle with our gender. This occurs because we feel only what our soul lives in regarding masculine and feminine energy. Some people feel like a woman in male gender or a man in female gender.
In the very beginning, when we live as a man or woman and do not have enough masculine or feminine energy integrated into our soul, reconciling with our body can be challenging because our soul will not be familiar with its gender and will be confusing and at times painfully felt. For instance, if you live mostly in all masculine energy (as a man) and now live in a body of female gender (a woman), your soul will still feel masculine. This is temporary, and you will live in harmony with your future bodies as long as your soul integrates the physical energy of its gender at birth until death.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Valentina Zardi
Author review:
Valentina is super accurate. She is also very professional. She read my book a few times before translating and asked questions before assuming a translation of a paragraph. What more can you ask for? She followed my guidance.

Thank you Valentina for a great job!!! Well done!

Already translated. Translated by Andre Scarpin
Author review:
I had the pleasure of working with Andre. He is very conscientious and really cares about what he's doing. We even had a conference call on his request so he was better able to understand some of the words in the book and how it implied to the meaning of the dialog in order to translate it correctly. I highly recommend him!
Already translated. Translated by Renato Sanchez

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