Writing Prompts and Ideas to Kick-Start Your Story by Susan Palmquist

Have you ever wanted to write a story but didn’t know what to write about? Writing Prompts and Ideas is your go to guide packed with ideas for getting started.

Writing prompts and ideas to kick-start your story


Have you ever wanted to write a story but didn’t know what to write about? Writing Prompts and Ideas is your go to guide packed with ideas for getting started.

Gain Plenty of Ideas to Get Your Story Started


With twelve chapters packed with story fragments and scenarios you’ll never again be lost for ideas.

Never Look at a Blank Page or Flashing Cursor Again


Do you often sit looking at a blank page or flashing cursor wanting to write but not knowing what to write about. Let this book be your reference guide for times when the muse is missing in action.

Sharpen Your Writing Skills


Are your writing skills a little rusty? Are you looking for a book with writing exercises that can fine tune your short story or novel and perhaps get you one step closer to getting published?


Secondary Genre: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Composition & Creative Writing

Language: English

Keywords: writing, learn to write, writing prompts, storytelling, authors, books, writing instruction

Word Count: 6,700

Sales info:

I feel this book will be of great help to writers who want to improve their writing skills. Also, authors who need prompts for daily writing use. I think writers around the world could value from it and therefore I'd like to see it translated into as many languages as possible.

Sample text:

In this chapter I’ve given you an outline of a story and its ending. All you need to do is change it so the outcome is different.


A woman is driving home from work and sees a bike in the middle of the road. The front wheel is buckled. As she gets closer to it she realizes it’s her son’s bike. She recognizes the key chain hanging from the handlebar. She rushes home and finds him safe and sound.


Your character is driving to the airport to meet their mother who they haven’t seen for over a year. When your character arrives, she sees her/his mother being pushed along in a wheelchair and is told she took a fall while getting off the plane.


Your character has been called to his or her daughter’s school. She’s been in a fight. Your character expects the worst but soon finds out their daughter was protecting another child and hit the school bully.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Alessandro Balldelli
Author review:
I highly recommend Alessandro to you.
Already translated. Translated by Marco David da Silva
Author review:
I highly recommend this translator.
Already translated. Translated by Oscar Aponte
Author review:
I highly recommend this translator.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
