Who I Be by Annie Brown

Help for those who are focused on what others define them to be.

Who i be

When most people look into a mirror, what they see is unsatisfactory—an image tainted by society’s dictates of how we are supposed to look. We were made in the image of God, so why do we waste time and energy remaking ourselves to please others? Scripture has declared that we were wonderfully and fearfully made, but we would rather conform to society’s image rather than be transformed into the image that God wants us to be. In the process, many of us lose ourselves and become someone we do not recognize. Who I Be is a call to action. Contemplate who you are, not who you think you need to be. The decision is yours—to lead a happy and productive life, or spend useless hours trying to be what you perceive will be popular with others. This thought-provoking book will have you asking yourself, “Who I 

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: RELIGION / General

Language: English


Word Count: 10,925

Sales info:

The book sales have not been very good. There has been approximately 200 book sold between the internet and personal sales. The ranking has varied depending on what date the book was sold. The reviews have been very positive and has 4.5 out of 5 rating.

Sample text:

Mental refers to “relating to or of the mind” while mental deficiency refers to “subnormal intellectual development, marked by deficiencies ranging from impaired learning ability to social incompetence” (Webster).

A man walking the streets talking to himself, a woman with moods swinging up and down, or a child who does not learn as well as another needs help. Instead of getting help, these individuals wind up with a label attached to them for life. Yes, the way the person communicates or behaves with a mental illness may be different. Some things depend on our frame of reference of what is perceived as being normal. When I was in undergraduate school and took a class called abnormal psychology, the professor asked the class to define normal. Of course, we all thought we had a good definition of what normal was, but the professor had so much experience that she could take one word out of our definition and then our definition did not mean what we (the students) started out as calling normal. Each one of us looked at being normal differently.

In graduate school, we were required to take a class called psychopathology. That class was really an eye opener in that in this physical body, people often define us as our actions. We really had a good time as a group because we learned that according to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM), the textbook for determining mental illnesses, we all had issues. I would say sometimes, “So all of us are touched, but not by an angel.” THIS STATEMENT WAS NOT SAID TO MAKE LIGHT OF MENTAL ILLNESS. It was made to remind myself that there are no perfect people. Someone once said, “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.” I find that statement to carry much truth.


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The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Anderson D
Already translated. Translated by Poliana Dantas de Oliveira
Already translated. Translated by Cecilia Duarte

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