What's Your Poison? How Cocktails Got Their Names by Jerry Bader

In this book you will you learn several alternative theories how cocktails became "cocktails" and you'll also learn how to make over forty different variations. In addition you'll learn about some interesting characters you probably never heard of and a f

What's your poison? how cocktails got their names

Why do we call mixed alcohol drinks “cocktails”? How do they get their exotic names: names like the Singapore Sling, Screw Driver, the Alamagoozlum, the Angel’s Kiss, the Hanky Panky, the Harvey Wallbanger, Sex On The Beach, the Monkey Gland, the Brass Monkey, the Margarita, the Japalac, the Lion’s Tail, and many, many more? Who makes up these names, where are they invented, why, and how do you make them? These questions will be answered in “What’s Your Poison?” by exploring the incidents, people, and places that prompted the creation of these exotic concoctions.


Language: English

Keywords: cocktails, history, biography, recipes, alcohol, entertainment, fun

Word Count: 23,107

Sample text:


The Mojito

A High Balling Kind Of Cocktail

The Mojito name may have derived from the word mojo, a seasoning made from limes, although there are other explanations. Some say the name derives from the Spanish, mojaditio, meaning ‘a little wet.’ The Mojito is traditionally served in a highball glass that itself has a bit of an interesting etymology: a highball being any mixed drink that has an alcohol base, mixed with a larger quantity of non-alcoholic mixers, and served in a tall glass. The term highball used to describe the tall glass and type of cocktail used to fill it, originally came from the painted white ball on a raised pole, signalling train engineers that the track ahead was clear. The signal gave the conductor permission to proceed at full throttle, hence the term “high balling.”

How To Make A Mojito

1. Add 6 mint leaves, 1 oz of fresh Lime Juice, and 2 teaspoons of sugar, to a shaker. Crush and mix the ingredients together using a muddler (a tool used to mash).

2. Add 1.5 oz of White Rum.

3. Pour into a Highball Glass over ice.

4. Fill with Soda Water.

5. Garnish with a Mint Sprig.

6. Serve with a straw. 

The Gimlet and the Mojito are not the only cocktails inspired by a generous mix of Cuban culture, sailor thirst, scurvy, lime, and alcohol. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Muriel Thyra Blauth
Author review:
Muriel did a great job and was easy to work with. I recommend her to anyone who wants their book translated into German.- Jerry Bader, Author and Screenwriter
Already translated. Translated by Makoto Yamamoto
Author review:
Great work! Makoto is a pleasure to work with. Excellent job! - Jerry Bader
Already translated. Translated by Fabian Aude Brevis

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