Weight loss: The Quickest Way to Lose Weight by David Jibrin

(3) The Quickest Way to Lose Weight

Weight loss: the quickest way to lose weight


This essentially means that if we make deliberate exercise and dietary choices, we can reverse the problems that afflict us. And this book will show you exactly how to go about it. In this book, you will learn how to lose weight by preparing healthy clean eating recipes that will enable you to realize weight loss and other benefits effortlessly.

The recipes in this book are designed to teach you how to cook more calorie friendly foods; So you are more properly equipped to fight the battle of losing weight. Now! Gear up and get ready to chow down on some delicious food because this book is compact with recipes.

With thousands of fad diets out there, it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine which is effective, which is safe, which is healthy, and which is the most suitable for our individual needs. The Lose Weight Fast Program is effective precisely because it is not another weight-loss program, but rather a scientifically proven weight-management lifestyle plan. 

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 21211

Sales info:

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Sample text:


              ¼ Head of Cauliflower

              ¼ lb. of Raw Shrimp

              ½ Tbs. of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

              ½ a Cucumber

              1 Tbs. of Lemon Juice

              1 tsp. of Lemon Zest


Start by peeling, cleaning, and removing the tails of your shrimp.
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and prepare a baking sheet with cooking spray or aluminum foil. Place your shrimp onto the sheet and drizzle half a tablespoon of olive oil on top. Add seasoning if desired. Place the baking sheet in the oven and cook for eight to ten minutes, or until they become opaque.
As the shrimp is cooking, cut off the cauliflower florets, tossing away the bottom stalk. Cut the cauliflower into small pieces, so they will be easier to break down later. Next, place the cauliflower to in a microwave- safe dish and microwave for approximately four to five minutes. Make sure that it cooks evenly and becomes soft, but not mushy in texture.
When the cauliflower and shrimp are cooling, begin to seed, peel, and chop the cucumber into small ½ in. pieces.
Once your shrimp have cooled down enough to handle, slice them into halves. In a medium bowl, combine your ingredients, adding the lemon juice and zest on top of your salad.

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