Weight Loss: The Complete Daily Guide to Healthy for Weight Loss and the Best Recipes by Karen Wilson

(129) The Complete Daily Guide to Healthy for Weight Loss and the Best Recipes

Weight loss: the complete daily guide to healthy for weight loss and the best recipes



This book helps you get it all under control with a simple and efficient system. You will learn how to make those persistent pounds disappear. You'll be proud to watch yourself transform into something truly beautiful.

think about healthy eating and empowering nutrition habits. Often times, the crazy dense life schedule causes to ingurgitate an insane amount of carbs and fats on a daily basis. This compromises long term health and short term well-being. 

This is especially so because many weight loss programs make it look as if losing weight is very easy by portraying a few success stories of people who have tried following such diets while overlooking the many people who don’t succeed.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 3368

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Heath benefits of smoothies will help you to understand its importance and you may be able to include it in your diet:

Easy Way to Reduce Weight

If you want to get rid of stubborn weight, it is essential to get the advantage of juicing. You can use fresh fruits and vegetable juices to detoxify your body. Start your day with a glass of fresh juice to remove toxins from your body.

Reduce Calorie Intake

Juicing will enable you to eat a lot of vegetables at a time, without increasing your calorie intake. It is a powerful implication for weight loss because fewer calories will help you to feel satisfied. Juicing will be really helpful in your weight loss efforts because juicing will make you healthy. Juices are easy for everyone because these are convenient foods and well-known for their functions. 

Growth Nutrients

Juices of fruits and vegetables provide essential nutrients required for renewal and growth of your body. Some fruits and vegetables can provide a good amount of energy to perform regular work.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Innell Lagos

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