Weight Loss: Quick and Easy Weight Loss Recipes by Jason Preston

(127) Quick and Easy Weight Loss Recipes

Weight loss: quick and easy weight loss recipes


The idea of losing weight becomes more or less like a dream. You just never have the time to go to the gym, engage in lots of physical activities (unless that’s your line of work) and probably the time needed to eat the magic 5 small portions of meals that we’ve all been told help curb cravings and make us end up losing weight effortlessly.

 Weight loss comes easily with the significant reduction of carbohydrates, and best of all there's no above and beyond exercise required to lose any of the weight. You must be tired of carrying around all that extra weight. 

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 41839

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Sample text:

The secret of a beautiful tight figure is simple - you need to exercise regularly, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. But, alas, we do not always obey these rules obediently. In our fast current rhythm of life, we do not always find the time for regular sports activities and do not always follow what comes to our stomach.

Experts believe that nothing is impossible and a person can lose weight in one day by 1 - 1.5 kilograms. Weight loss will directly depend on some calories consumed and consumed during physical activity.

Products for rapid weight loss are selected with low calorie and high in fiber and water. Such products can dull the feeling of hunger and help lose weight, but I still do not advise you to get involved in such nutrition.

It takes one or two days of such nutrition to lose weight quickly, and then you need to switch to a healthy diet, so as not to deprive the body of the necessary natural nutritional elements. Or, as I do, do weekly fasting days based on the following recipes. Harm from such a diet is not what, and the extra pounds do not linger.

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