Weight Loss: Delicious and Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss by David Leighton

(130) Delicious and Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss

Weight loss: delicious and healthy  recipes for weight loss


A great deal of basic physiology information, dealing with both nutrition and exercise topics, is included so that readers without a technical background will be able to understand the topics discussed. Your only guide to accelerated weight loss and healthy healing.

Losing weight can be so much fun and stress-free than you can ever imagine. What if I tell you I have SIMPLE meal plans that will make you shed all unwanted weight within four weeks? Shocked? Then I bet you would want to have a look at this simple keto diet meal plan designed with the simplest meal preps to help you achieve your weight loss goals

Ever wonder why it can be so hard to lose weight following the standard diets that are presented to us each year right after the holidays

Scroll up to buy your copy today!


Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 13656

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Sample text:


•         2 cups parsley, flat-leaf

•         2 medium lemons, remove peels

•         1 green apple

•         1 ginger knob (optional)


Process all ingredients in your juicer and strain this juice. You can add more apples to enhance its taste. With the help of some filtered water, you can dilute this juice. 

Health Benefits of Parsley

With vitamins A, B, K, C and B 12, parsley can improve your immune system, heal your nervous system, and reduce blood pressure and tone your bones. It is good to detox your body and flush excessive fluid from the body to support kidney function.

Nutritional Value:

Calories: 379 kcal, 

Carbs 70.2 g, 

Fat 9.4 g, Cholesterol: 0 mg, 

Protein: 15.1 g, Sodium: 169 mg


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