Web Development from Beginner to Paid Professional, Volume 2 by AB Publisher LLC

Build your portfolio as you learn Html5, CSS and Javascript step by step with support

Book for learning web development from scratch.

Web development from beginner to paid professional, volume 2

This book is volume 2 of Web Development from Beginner to Paid Professional. In this volume, you'll continue your lessons on HTML, CSS and Javascript.

I put additional coding challenges and their solutions in this volume. You will get regularly updated cheat sheets, coding exercises, a stunning web developer portfolio to show off your work samples, practice projects, and graphics/screenshots used in this book. You will also get further help if you use the free support link at the bottom of this book. I will help you learn well.

Genre: COMPUTERS / Web / Web Programming

Secondary Genre: COMPUTERS / Web / Browsers

Language: English

Keywords: web development, web design, website design, html, css, javascript, html5, html5 and javascript, js

Word Count: 25189

Sales info:

This is the second volume of my best sellingg title, "Web Development from Beginner to Paid Professional". I have sold several copies of it on Amazon KDP, Scribd, Apple and Kobo.

Sample text:

1. Getting Started

1.0. Introduction to Volume 2

This book is volume 2 of Web Development from Beginner to Paid Professional. In this volume, you'll continue your lessons on HTML, CSS and Javascript. It’ll help you fast-track your web development skills. The great thing about web development is it's very suitable for people coming from many different backgrounds. So, it doesn't matter if you have little or no technical experience, or if you do have a technical background and you're looking to transition your skill sets into web development.

For the lessons in the subsequent chapters, you will need to create a few files and open them in Visual Studio. For Chapter 2 for example, below is how to create a new folder in your portfolio and open it in Visual Studio. Like I explained in the introductory chapter (Section 0) of volume 1 of this book, these are the seven simple steps to follow:

1. Open your Html_course portfolio folder you created in the volume 1 of this book.

2. Create a new folder, with title 03_lesson.

3. In visual Studio, click the File menu at the top and select Open Folder… .

4. Navigate to the location where you saved your 03_lesson folder and select it.

5. Select this folder to load/open it on your Visual Studio explorer.

6. Close the Get Started tab.

7. Get ready to start coding.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Asma Louki
Already translated. Translated by Alexandro Tiago Marçal de Sousa
Already translated. Translated by Blanca Pereña Velasco
Author review:
Very high quality work was delivered by Blanca Pereña Velasco. I highly recommend him and will use him again for future translations.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
