Wake Up Successful by S.J. Scott

How to Increase Your Energy and Achieve Any Goal with a Morning Routine

Wake up successful

DISCOVER:: Why Successful People Get More Things Done Before 9 A.M.

Having trouble achieving your goals? The reason most people aren't successful is they fail to follow a day-by-day strategy. Instead they start each day, "hoping" they will have enough time to take action on their goals.

If you closely examine the world's most successful people you'd see they start each day in an energized state, ready to accomplish any goal. What's their secret? The *one thing* they do differently is they prioritize each day so the most important task is completed first. Put simply, successful people have morning routines that help them feel energized and ready to focus on their most important goal.

START TODAY:: Live Each Day Like It's Your Last

In "Wake Up Successful" you'll learn how to live every day like it's your last. No longer will you stumble out of bed and waste the first few hours. Instead, you'll learn how to start the day by creating energy and harnessing this power to focus on ONE breakthrough goal that will make a difference in your life.

A morning routine is simple and effective. It's easy to tailor to your unique circumstances and goals. And, best of all, it's tested. Inside this book, you'll discover the proven strategies to help you get the most out of those precious first few hours.

"Wake Up Successful" contains a step-by-step blueprint for creating a powerful morning ritual.

Inside this guide you'll learn how to:

**Create a bedtime routine that sets up an energized morning
**Use 25 tips to get a full night's rest
**Follow the 8 strategies for boosting energy every morning
**Build YOUR morning ritual, using two sample templates
**Achieve any goal with an "Hour of Power"
**Use 15 examples to find your perfect daily goal activity
**Turn a morning routine into a permanent habit

You can become more successful every day. All you need is a step-by-step strategy for each morning.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English


Word Count: 15,000

Sales info:

Wake Up Successful was one of the first books published in my catalog. FIrst being printed in 2013.  Since then it has achieved steady sales selling between 1000-2000 copies every month.

As I write this (11 Jun) my sales for the first 11 days of June are 568 sales.  This is a fairly simple and basic book that should translate well into a plethora of other languages. Simple and easy to read it covers many basic ideas for a strong morning routine.

Sample text:

The Importance of the Morning Routine

If you’re anything like me, you’ve come to realize the importance of smart goal-setting. 

During my journey on the path to self-improvement, I’ve discovered that the key to achieving goals is something that is actually available to every single person. It’s something most accomplished athletes, artists, business owners and entrepreneurs have discovered. It doesn’t require wealth, or even talent.

The key to achieving your goals, both large and small, is locked in your morning routine. When you start every day with a good ritual you can receive a number of positive benefits:

** Gain more energy through a set routine of healthy, revitalizing habits.

** Improve your health by adding small tasks that take less than a minute to complete.

** Achieve a major goal by focusing on a single task.

A morning routine is simple and effective. It’s easy to tailor to your unique circumstances and goals. And best of all, it’s tested.

I’ve been working on perfecting my morning routine for a few months now, and I’ve finally come up with a plan that I feel is solid enough to share with you.

Within this book, you will learn how to create a powerful daily ritual–one that launches you out of your bed and propels you towards your goals, energized and ready to take on the world.

Why a Morning Routine?

I know you might think it’s impossible to do “more things” in the morning, because let’s face it—you’re already very busy. Or maybe you’re a night owl who doesn’t hit your stride until late in the afternoon. Or perhaps you simply doubt that a morning ritual actually works in the real world. No matter what you think, this book will provide a great framework for anyone who makes the commitment to changing their life.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Sandy G.
Already translated. Translated by Carla Melis
Already translated. Translated by Mayara Alves Pereira Leal
Already translated. Translated by Nancy Giusti

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
