Virgem em Câncer - e outras crônicas by Igor Zahir

Chronicles written from the perspective of a diverse team of women who have breast cancer.

Virgem em câncer - e outras crônicas

"Virgo in cancer" is a collection of Chronicles written by or reported to the IgoZahir, from the perspective of women who have breast cancer. The book is dedicated to all the people who like people, who engage in a beautiful narrative and that's the policy at some point in their lives, with the cancer. Discuss stories with breast cancer patients, the reading is also recommended for their carers, friends and relativeswho support these women. The team of women that comes to life in the book is quite diverse, providing a míríade of ways to look at the same facts. Each Chronicle brings an interesting view of life, illness, treatment, a discovery, a fear, an insight, a way to see the world through eyes enriched by the experience. Igor Zahir is a young author who has the skill of listening and the gift of storytelling. Is the date of those talents with a group of passionate women born the book.

Genre: SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational

Secondary Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / General

Language: Portuguese


Word Count: Chronicles; Humor; Family Rela

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by André Avila Maia de Souza

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
