vegan diet: What You Need to Know about Going Vegan, and Benefits Food to Eat by Samuel Singleton

(48b) What You Need to Know about Going Vegan, and Benefits Food to Eat

Vegan diet: what you need to know about going vegan, and benefits food to eat

Would you like to know more about the vegan lifestyle? Would you like to lose some weight and be healthier? Would you like to learn how to cook delicious vegan meals?
Bodybuilding on a vegan diet may seem unlikely to some. If you are a vegan and an aspiring bodybuilder, then this book was written with you in mind. This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to build muscle using only a vegan diet. Vegan bodybuilding is a fast-growing movement. This book on vegan bodybuilding shows occasional runners to aspiring athletes that you can become more energetic, fit, and healthier by eating vegan foods. 

Nutrition and diet are the things you need to consider when you want to make a meaningful change in your life. The success of your strength-training program and athletic development depend on healthy nutrition. This vegan bodybuilding guide brings you information, inspiration, and motivation to take your plant-based bodybuilding lifestyle to the next level. This book includes recipes that cater to a variety of nutritional needs and tastes – greens, grains, bowls, legumes, and more. This book provides balanced and nutritious recipe for bodybuilding. 

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book

Word Count: 7528

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Sample text:


½ teaspoon of onion powder

¼ teaspoon of black pepper

1 cup of chickpea flour

½ teaspoon of garlic powder

½ teaspoon of baking soda

¼ teaspoon of white pepper

1/3 cup of nutritional yeast

3 finely chopped green onions

4 ounces of sautéed mushrooms

Nutrition Information:

Fat – 1.9 g

Carbohydrates – 24.4 g

Protein – 10.2 g


In a small bowl, mix the onion powder, white pepper, chickpea flour, garlic powder, black and white pepper, baking soda, and nutritional yeast. Add 1 cup of water and create a smooth batter.
On medium heat, put a frying pan and add the batter just like the way you would cook pancakes. On the batter, sprinkle some green onion and mushrooms. Flip the omelet and cook evenly on both sides.
Once both sides are cooked, serve the omelet with spinach, tomatoes, hot sauce, and salsa. Enjoy a guilt-free meal.

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