vegan diet: vegan recipes Lunch, and Dinner Recipes for Busy Vegan by Howard Buchanan

(86b) vegan recipes Lunch, and Dinner Recipes for Busy Vegan

Vegan diet: vegan recipes lunch, and  dinner recipes for busy vegan

Having enough protein in your diet is very important, and is key for maintaining a healthy body. This is why many people who start the vegan diet are concerned about not consuming enough protein. Many people do not realize that you don't need to consume meats and dairy products for protein. There are many great sources of protein for vegans! Below are a couple of great protein sources for vegans.

The Vegan & Gluten-free Detox Recipes is a groundbreaking cookbook, combining both clean plant-based diet and gluten-free recipes. All recipes are created by combining several detoxifying ingredients that help your body to detox softly. It also includes the suggestion of the foods to avoid and include for better cleansing effects. No harmful foods and/or processed foods are used in the cookbook.

Millions of people have health conditions like celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, or food allergies that require a gluten, soy, sugar and/or dairy-restricted diet. In addition, many health-conscious vegans and vegetarians are also looking to cut gluten and sugar from their diet. The Vegan & Gluten-free Detox Recipes offers solutions for anyone seeking a softer, healthier and tasty way to detoxify and become craving-free. 

Whether you are a hardcore meat-eater, plant-based newbie, or vegan ninja, this enjoyable book answers some of the "frequently asked questions" on becoming a vegetarian. It is a short-read, packed with a wealth of research and intellect that everyone can understand.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book, vegan bodybuilding, Vegan Pregnancy Diet

Word Count: 8607

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Sample text:

12 ounces vegan semisweet chocolate chips

1/4 cup almond milk or other nondairy milk

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)

1/2 cup sweetened dried cranberries, cherries, or blueberries (optional)

1 vegan chocolate cookie crust (Keebler’s brand is vegan-friendly)

Chocolate curls or chopped nuts, for garnish

In a saucepan, combine the chocolate chips, almond milk, and coconut oil over medium heat. Cook, stirring until the chocolate and coconut oil are melted. Stir in the nuts and dried fruit, if using, until well combined.

Transfer the chocolate mixture to the crust and spread evenly. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours to firm up before serving. Garnish the top with chocolate curls.

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