vegan diet: The Complete Day to Day Vegan Diet Plan to have Unstopppable Energy by Clyde Yates

(59b) The Complete Day to Day Vegan Diet Plan to have Unstopppable Energy

Vegan diet: the complete day to day vegan diet plan to have unstopppable energy

In this book you’ll learn how to prepare the best vegetarian recipes very easily. If you are a beginner at vegetarianism, or want to learn more about it and you’re looking for the best advice, tips and recipes, we’ve wrote this book for you.

This book provides a comprehensive guide to incorporating and implementing a healthy vegan diet plan for your family. 
Every parent knows the challenge of trying to get children to eat healthily, but with a vegan lifestyle it is quite easy. You are going to learn everything you need to know in order to ensure that your children get all the nutrients they need and stay healthy.

There will be times when your kids will be at a party or an event where non-vegan foods are being served. We're all afraid of that moment when our kids will be exposed to non-vegan foods or other junk food. We want our kids to overcome the temptation and not accidentally make the wrong choices.
You'll learn how to encourage your kids to adopt the Vegan lifestyle and reap the benefits. Vegan foods can be great fun for the kids too. Once you understand how to present it to the kids, they will absolutely love Vegan. Innovative ideas will not only generate curiosity but also relish the taste of Vegan food. 

As a bonus to the recipes, we give you in this book a brief introduction on vegetarianism; this information will allow you to have a better understanding of the health benefits of vegetarian diet.

You will learn how to easily prepare and choose the best vegan recipes for each meal of the day. You’ll start your day with a fresh, healthy and energizing breakfast, then your lunch will be a very nutritious, tasty meal, and to end the day, your dinner will be a delicious vegan meal that will make you feel satisfied and help you sleep well! 

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book

Word Count: 9132

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Sample text:


1 lb trimmed green beans, cut to 2-3 inch long pieces

1 radicchio, outer leaves removed, washed, dried

1 small red onion, finely cut

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

green olive dressing

1/2 cup green olives, pitted

1/2 cup olive oil

2 garlic cloves, chopped

black pepper and salt, to taste


Roughly tear the radicchio leaves and place on a large serving platter.

Steam or boil green beans for about 3-4 minutes until crisp-tender. In a colander, wash with cold water to stop cooking, then pat dry and arrange over the radicchio leaves.

Add in red onion and cherry tomatoes.

To make the green olive dressing, place the olives in a food processor and blend until finely chopped. Gradually add the oil and process until a smooth paste is formed. Taste and season with salt and pepper then spoon over salad and serve.

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