vegan diet: Quick and Easy Tips for Starting a Vegan LifestyleYou Need To Know About Vegan Diet by Willis Ramirez

(52b) Quick and Easy Tips for Starting a Vegan LifestyleYou Need To Know About Vegan Diet

Vegan diet: quick and easy tips for starting a vegan lifestyleyou need to know about vegan diet

Vegetarians have been found to live longer than those who eat meat.
Vegetarians weigh less than meat eaters weigh and are less susceptible to allergies. 
Do you want to live a healthier and longer life by becoming a vegetarian, but don’t know how to start or where to begin?

There are multitudes of people who are switching to a vegan diet for the obvious health benefits. Some of these advantages include more energy, younger skin, and greater emotional balance. These are just a few of the claims from vegans who are thriving because of the many enhancements that they have gained by following this type of diet. Needless to say, there are also many scientifically proven benefits to a vegan diet.

Plant-based diets contain lots of iron, protein, calcium, and vitamin C as well as many other essential vitamins and minerals. These plant-based sources of nutrients also tend to be rather low in saturated fat and extremely high in fiber. They are also filled with antioxidants and help manage severe health issues like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book

Word Count: 3881

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Sample text:


1 and ½ cups arborio rice
2 apples, diced
2 tablespoons coconut butter
A pinch of salt
1 and ½ teaspoons cinnamon
1/3 cup stevia
1 cup apple juice
3 cups almond milk
½ cup cherries, dried



Put coconut butter and rice in your instant pot, cover and cook on High for 6 minutes.

Uncover instant pot, stir the rice and mix it with apple juice, almond milk, apples, raw sugar, a pinch of salt and cinnamon, cover and cook on High for 10 minutes.
Serve your breakfast rice in medium bowls with dried cherries on top.


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