Two Brothers At War by Eduina Manso Henriques

A Bad Boy Romance

A Short erotica story following a girl whose heart is set on two boys...

Two brothers at war


I've always been a good girl who unfortunately fell for the bad boys. Falling for my boss was never my intention. But things got a little complicated. And when hitting the road in hopes to escape my reality, I entered a world of fantasy. Who knew a road trip with a stranger could turn out to be so surprising?


I knew who she was. The moment I saw her, I knew I needed to have her. I knew she needed to be trained just like the rest of them. I knew I could turn her into a sweet little kitten who'd obey her master. And I also knew she'd do it all for me. Well, I thought I knew all of that. Turns out, I didn't know anything at all.


The work I do is dirty and raw. I've dealt with cars my whole life. I've given some and taken others. I've broken many and fixed them too. However, with every customer, comes a new problem. And with every problem, there needs to be a solution. It's a good thing, I'm a guy who likes to fix things.

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Erotica

Secondary Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Love & Romance

Language: English

Keywords: erotica, romance, relationships, frinedships, fiction, lovers

Word Count: 42'000

Sales info:

Out of all of my writings, Two Brothers At War has definitely surpassed the limits. As of being my best seller so far, I've had so many opportunities to not only collab with agents and publishers, but other writers too. In addition, it's also gained a global review and is currently being displayed on Amazon and Goodreads.

Sample text:

Chapter 1


Streaks of thunder enlightened the sky with power. Grey clouds hovered, claiming the land to be theirs. Flipping my duvet cover to the side, I yawn as I slide my slippers on. I rub my eyes and make my way to the kitchen. The coffee machine gets turned on and I then walk towards the bathroom to prepare myself for the day ahead. I stare at the mirror, pondering on the infinite pile of reports which are currently sat on top of my desk in a pile, waiting for me to sort them out. It’s fair to say I’ve had no motivation lately. However, today is the day that I’m going to get it all done. In fact, all I have to do is take the rest of my stuff and get cosy, just like last time when I did my work experience at Davies Corporations.

I enter the building completely soaked and unimpressed by the weather. My hair is wet, and my outfit is ruined. Brilliant! The queue for the elevator is ridiculously long and neither do I have the time nor the patience.  Checking my watch, I figure I am going to be late once again. I guess my new boss is not going to be happy, but he will have to deal with it just like I am dealing with this stupid elevator. I grunt in frustration and quickly stroll towards the stairs, the path which I should have taken in the first place. As I approach the office, I notice multiple figures looking and turning in my direction as I make my way through. Eventually, I see my name written on a piece of paper on top of a desk. I smile and pull out the chair, placing my bag on the floor next to it. I then sit. Sudden whispers and giggles get my attention and just as I am about to leave, I see a tall white figure smiling, walking towards me with a hand in his pocket whilst holding a cup of coffee in the other.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Rita Pires
Translation in progress. Translated by Luis Ortiz

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
