"CHRIST IN YOU" is the TRANSFORMING INTIMACY at its best. Jesus is literally IN YOU dwelling intimately with YOU, the believer. Do you believe it? Can you honestly say you've experienced it? If yes, do you want to go deeper? It is my hope that this book will help you profoundly absorb this truth to the point it will both radically and miraculously transform your inner life.
Without feeling safe or protected with another human being; attachment will remain more a dream than a reality. Attachment is highly related to intimacy since attachment determines how close you bond with other people. Unfortunately, the infant and caregiver attachment initiates the infant’s ability to be intimate in all relationships going forward.
God offers a depth of intimacy, which many believers cannot embrace or enjoy, because their earlier connections and bonds were so remiss. However, God heals and renews your ability to experience true intimacy no matter how you started. He is your omnipresence caregiver now and plans on meeting every need from this point on. He will NEVER leave you or forsake you (Hebrew 13:5).
You can rest and finally enjoy safety through God’s eternal love and attachment to you. God is not simply close to you, but He is attached to you through the “One Spirit” connection through Christ: an undivided whole (1 Corinthians 5:17).
May God’s indwelling Holy Spirit (TRANSFORMING INTIMACY) enable you to enjoy, by faith, true attachment to God through Jesus, his Son, which is also the PROOF OF HIS LOVE.
Dr. Pensacola H. Jefferson
Language | Status |
Translation in progress.
Translated by Carlos Antunes