Time Management: Perfect guide to maximizing your time by Stephen Livermore


Time management: perfect guide to maximizing your time


What do Bill Gates from Microsoft, Zuckerberg from Facebook, Beyonce or Usain Bolt have in common with a mom on the school run or someone running a small business? They all have 1440 minutes in a day. Its how they manage their time and how what they do with their time which dictates how well their day goes. We cannot all necessarily afford personal assistants and staff but understanding the complexities that life throws at us and knowing how to better manage time will surely make life easier for us all. Its all about quality - not quantity.

You can achieve more of your dreams or let them float on by on clouds of inefficiency.
It’s your choice.

Get this book today.

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: time management, time management for busy people, time management for women, time management productivity, small business, time management system, procrastination, productivity

Word Count: 6189

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Time management skills are your abilities to recognize and solve personal time management problems. The goal of these time management lessons is to show you what you can do to improve those skills.


With good time management skills you are in control of your time and your life, of your stress and energy levels. You make progress at work. You are able to maintain balance between your work, personal, and family lives. You have enough flexibility to respond to surprises or new opportunities.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Fidele Juliette NGO NGIMBOUS
Already translated. Translated by Paula Maria Trani Carneiro
Already translated. Translated by Bilmania Saldivia

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
