The Time Traveler and the Inquisition by Joe Corso

The Inquisition Has Taken Princess Krystina. Can Lucky Get To His Wife in Time?

The time traveler and the inquisition

Leave it to Lucky Campo to discover something new about his abilities.  Leave it to the Chinese to find this of extreme value to their country.  What started out as good news becomes a curse. Seems Lucky’s life is full of surprises and the dilemma is now how to handle them all.  The love of his life lives in another time period, yet Lucky pines for the luxuries of the present. The Inquisition just about seals those thoughts. The Spanish priests of the inquisition don’t understand anything about Lucky, the King’s wizard.  As plagues abound, they become more convinced of his sorcery.

The old gang is still with Lucky and as always, they have his back, but is there enough time left? Can they defeat the brutal tactics of Quiang Shan, Director of China’s Secret Police? Who is the one who betrayed Lucky?  And where is the Princess?

We travel from the dinosaurs to the Pyramids to twelfth century England and back to Astoria. Ah, dear old Astoria.  Life is never dull with Lucky as travels through the Time Portals. 

Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Adventure

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Military

Language: English


Word Count: 54,088

Sales info:

This book is the fourth of seven books in the Time Traveler series. It has one 5 star review and is #2209 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Space Exploration

Sample text:

Chapter One


During a hearing of the House of Representatives Judiciary Committe, FBI Director Robert Mueller was asked about Beijing's spy programs aimed at the United States.  He was polite, but firm, stating that he could give few details in an unclassified setting.  Joel Brenner, head of the US Office of National Counterintelligence, said China's intelligence services were waging a "very aggressive" campaign to obtain US military secrets.

Mueller was concerned that the Chinese were determined to catapult ahead of the United States, not only in terms of military technology, but also in economic productivity.

"We have reiterated many times that the so-called stealing of US military secrets is groundless and these accusations are due to ulterior motives," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said.

Qin Gang.  The man whose name signifies strength, much like the position he held.  The Chinese give their children meaningful names and often, oddly enough, the names fit.  

The Director of China’s Secret Police was Qiang Shan, meaning “strong mountain” and his name, like Qin Gang’s, suited him well.  Qiang Shan was a bull of a man – large in stature, both in height and muscular build.  His daily workout consisted of at least one hour of martial arts plus another two to three hours of weight training and cardio.  His permanent scowl, on top of his six feet four inch frame, made for an intimidating presence – a formidable opponent even before speaking.  He was a results driven man with a fighting style that mimicked the movements of animals while focusing on the “harnessing of quenergy”.  Qiang Shan considered himself to be the most proficient practitioner of this external style.



Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Mariel Tamara Braga
Translation in progress. Translated by Nathalia Magnago
Already translated. Translated by Carmen Olivero
Author review:
Another fine translating job by Carmen Olivero

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