The Strangeness That Is Wales by Jack Strange

Discover the strange legends, tales and history of Wales.

The strangeness that is wales

Discover the strange legends, tales and history of Wales.

Did the Welsh sail across the Atlantic in the 12th century?

Was King Arthur Welsh?

Included are stories on ghosts - both real and fake - and the legend of King Arthur. Welsh animal lore, customs, monsters and music are also examined. One of the strangest villages in the world gets a chapter to itself, as do witches, miners and druids.

The book is written in a personal, light-hearted style, with geographical references to help identify the places. Although the stories are intended to entertain as much as educate, the historical facts are accurate.

Hopefully, you will come away with a different view on Wales - and a smile on your face.

Genre: HISTORY / World

Secondary Genre: HISTORY / Europe / Great Britain

Language: English

Keywords: none

Word Count: 75000

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language.

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