One of a kind read!!! - Amazon review

Embrace! Respect! Submit! The State is the last, and only symbol of control in the not-so-distant future. Fear is the only existence most know. Servitude is the brand upon all. The Resistance is the last, and only semblance of hope; of freedom. Journey with the struggles of the protagonist, Agent 216, as he makes the tumultuous transition from top Agent of the State to the eventual leader of the Resistance. It is a journey hard-fought, wrought with love and hate, death and life, violence and compassion, loss and gain. Yet, with determination and purpose he, as all within the Resistance, continues to fight for the one thing essential to existence—freedom. Will the Resistance prevail? Or will the State?
Genre: FICTION / Dystopian
Secondary Genre: FICTION / Action & Adventure
Language: English
Keywords: The State, Dystopian, Books like 1984
Word Count: 119, 000
Sales info: As the book is still in the 'recently released' stage, the rankings are low. However, it has been well received; still rated 5 stars and great reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.
Sample text: He awoke in a great haze, his heart pounding arduously as warm sweat poured from his brow as heavily as an autumn rain. Delirium plagued intrinsically through his mind as he rolled out of his tiny cot and gingerly set his bare feet onto the cold wooden floor. Softly, he rubbed at his eyes with the backs of his hands as a whispering yawn crackled peevishly from beneath his pathetic, gauntly chest. An unsettling twinge of fear crept hastily through his mind as soft and formidable as a jungle cat stalking its prey. Setting his elbows to rest upon his knees, he sat there attempting to analyze or even comprehend the origin of the sensation. “What in the hell am I afraid of?” he posed to no one, simply devoid of company. No reply was given, which in and of itself was the answer. Silence had become his only companion recently. No one was there to share thoughts, meals, or even time with. Companionship was a crutch, one which may be trivial but nevertheless held substantial significance to the status of his delicate psyche. He realized subtly that the fear of loneliness was merely a contextual guise for his intuitive fear of inevitability. A fear stemming from the simplistic ideology in which he may be ceasing to exist. That one night he would delve into sleep and possibly never wake, swallowed whole by the abyss, never to return to the current plain of existence. And why not when it happened to so many?
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