The Secret Princess (The Complete Collection) by Sophia Gray

Nadia lives the most boring life imaginable in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. She's stuck in the rut of every day feeling exactly like the last. She can't even imagine a way out; that is, until she meets Foster.

The secret princess (the complete collection)

Nadia lives the most boring life imaginable in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. She's stuck in the rut of every day feeling exactly like the last. She can't even imagine a way out; that is, until she meets Foster. 

Impossibly handsome and extraordinarily kind, he appears out of nowhere and brings joy and excitement in Nadia's life right when she needs it the most. But not everything is as it seems...Foster is hiding a secret bigger than Nadia could ever imagine!

Falling in love can be bittersweet; even more so when ancient forces are trying to keep two people apart, by any means necessary. 

Join Nadia and Foster for the beginning of their whirlwind romance as they decide if true love is worth risking everything they've ever known...

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Fantasy

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Paranormal

Language: English

Keywords: romance, paranormal, fantasy, young adult, mystery, suspense, science fiction

Word Count: 46175

Sample text:

Nadia’s head felt like it weighed a hundred pounds and the constant throbbing caused her to wish for sleep again. The room she was in was almost completely in darkness. She lifted herself tentatively on one elbow and winced at the increased pain in her head. A wave of nausea caused her to lie back on the make shift bed she was laying on. She touched the sides of it with her fingers and it felt like some like of woven straw or thick grass. There was a pillow under her head and to her amazement it felt as cool as if it had of been in a refrigerator. The door to the little room opened and a shaft of light cut across her face, causing Nadia to throw an arm over her eyes.


“Here.” A rough voice said.


Nadia slowly lowered her arm and blinked at the person standing over her. His features were non-descript since he was standing in front of the light, but she could tell he was tall, impossibly tall.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Orlando Faudoa

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