The Moment We Shared by Kathleen Mary O'Brien

Loss brings love to Barcelona

The moment we shared

Their past is complicated.

Three years after the devastating death of her new husband, dancer Samantha Driscoll is on a train traveling between France and Barcelona, when she sees a man she will never forget. Dr. Ronan Adair, the man who fought and failed to save her husband Peter’s life.

Ronan never forgot the beautiful young bride whose bright dreams and future came to an end on that day. Again, he saw the hollow pain in her eyes on the train, and he would do anything to take the pain away.

As the train pulls into the station, Fate steps in, and again a few days later. Soon they form a tender friendship that Sammy realizes is changing into something more. But their past is a difficult one to overcome, even when faced with the promise of new love, waiting; waiting for them to take a chance and reach for it . . .

Genre: FICTION / Contemporary Women

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Contemporary

Language: English

Keywords: loss, searching, romance, contemporary, women, barcelona, Spain, Friendship, family

Word Count: 82,864

Sales info:

I have just begun to market.  Sales have been about 50 to date. 

Sample text:

This was Sammy’s first visit to France and she was confused— until this weekend her lack of a permanent relationship hadn’t mattered to her. Her busy life in Barcelona didn’t allow for romance and that had been fine with her. Even her involvement with Javier had been tentative, a convenient placeholder, a six-month tryst to fill the empty spaces in her life. And their liaison hadn’t seemed to matter to him when he said goodbye to her as she boarded the train in Barcelona two days ago. . . .Not that she really cared. His charm wouldn’t work this time, and she chastised herself for believing him in the first place; she’d known from the beginning he was fickle and his proclivities had always been to walk away. 

Sammy shook her head to clear her mind of Javier and to vanquish any melancholy that still resided since arriving in France. Barcelona, her home, was different; it pulsed with a vibrancy that made each day full of expectation and activity, so much so that it had replaced the need for domesticity and she rarely had to think about the absence of a stable or long-term partner. These romantic stirrings were new and they were not her anyway—she was bold, alive with energy and passion—and unapologetically so. She’d only come to France to support her cousin and his bride.

. . . 

Still, she wondered, why did everything in France seem to make her yearn for romance; everything she saw, everything she experienced let her know that romance could be in repose just waiting for her. But she knew it wasn’t to be—it had been once, but that was a lifetime ago. 

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The book is available for translation into any language.

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