The Kinds of Shells You Will Find in Florida by Haley Watson

Florida is surrounded by many islands. The structures and where these islands are situated make it a perfect depot for shells. If you have a knack for collecting Florida shells,

The kinds of shells you will find in florida

Florida is surrounded by many islands. The structures and where these islands are situated make it a perfect depot for shells. If you have a knack for collecting Florida shells, it’s natural that you can determine the types of shells. Don’t fret. In a minute, we will walk through the types of shells you will find while scouting for shells in Florida.

But before we get down to it. Shells are classified into two groups namely bivalves and gastropods. Bivalve shells are single and are in two parts. And each of these parts is known as a valve. Common examples of bivalve shells include cockles, scallops, and calm. On the other hand, the gastropods have single shells. When you see a gastropod shell, you’ve seen a complete shell. Whelk and conch are some of the popular examples of gastropod shells. The shells serve as a home for snails.

Worm Snail Shell

The worm snail shells can be likened to a piece of spiral pasta that has been washed up on the beach. They are classified as gastropod shells and are known for their distinctive thin and spiral shape. As the name connotes, the shell house the worm snail.

Junonia Snail Shell

The Junonia snail shell is one of the rarest shells to find in Florida. They are said to be fragile and are more likely to wash up on the shores to pieces. When you find one, here’s what it would look like. Off-white, along with gastropod shell that has brown spotting that can be likened to a water paint. Junonia shells are and that is one of the reasons they are hard to come by.

Sand Dollar Shell

Chances are you have come across a thin. Flat, circular, and five-pointed star shape imprinted on the top. Then you have seen a Junonia snail shell. They are a type f sea urchin. They are alive when they are flat.

Murex Shell

The Murex is also a disguised shell. Its exterior is white and pink. Florida used the shells because of their tail, spikes, and nice pink exterior. They are regarded as gastropod shells that have unique shapes. Here is something you don’t know about Murex shell. They house Murex snails that are also referred to as rock snails. They are said to be the oldest seashell that has been named by Aristotle.

Florida Spiny Jewelbox

The next shell on the list is also known as Arcinella Comuta. They fall under the category of bivalve shells. Florida Spiny Jewelbox house a clam. They are thick, heavy, and their shell can either have a pink or red exterior. You can locate them along the Florida’s coast.

Genre: ART / Business Aspects

Secondary Genre: ART / Business Aspects

Language: English

Keywords: Florida shells, shell identification

Word Count: 445

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