The Ghost of Bluebell Cottage by Claire Voet

A story of love and treachery becomes hopelessly entwined with the past and present.

The ghost of bluebell cottage

An eerie mist surrounds the castle. Its icy fingers are curling and lingering between each stone wall. In the village, the locals are restless as they toss and turn in their sleep. The clip clop of horse’s hooves can be heard on cobblestones and shouts of angry drunken men in the far distance. The mystery man with his dog is back again, but who is he? The village of Corfe Castle is harbouring a dark secret stemming back to the 17th Century when Lady Bankes fought to protect the Castle and when Anthony Dickinson, a witch finder, tortured scores of unsuspecting women throughout Dorset. Drawn to a photo of Bluebell Cottage in a real estate window, Greg has an unusual, yearning to give up his life in London, after his recent marriage break-up, and live in the cottage. It seems that Greg is not the only newcomer to the village, as Helen, who has recently left Bournemouth after breaking up with her fiancé, moves into Lilly’s, an old 17th century cottage not far from Bluebell Cottage. She too is drawn into the past with strange dreams and paranormal experiences. It becomes clear that three hundred and sixty seven years on, a story of love and treachery becomes hopelessly entwined with the past and present.

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Paranormal

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Occult & Supernatural

Language: English


Word Count: 81,237

Sales info:

This book has often been in the top 100 bestsellers for historical, paranormal, accult and mystery. It has superb reviews on Amazon, mostly five star and is currently being scripted for a film.

Sample text:

     Out at sea the wind had suddenly dropped. The waves lapped calmly against the rugged coastline. Inland, close to a castle, a man walking his dog pulled up the collar of his coat to warm his neck and he dug his hands deep into his pockets.  The temperature had plummeted by at least five degrees and he stopped and stared in the direction of the harbour in the far distance, a deep frown creased his forehead.  The sky was rapidly changing colour to a grey and yellow thunderous swirl. The man’s dog had abandoned its enthusiastic sniffing of sticks and stones and was now sitting watching the sky. It cocked its head to one side and gave an uneasy yelp, looking to his master for reassurance.  The man shrugged. `Come on boy, time to go home,’ he muttered.  Not having to be told twice, the brown and white English setter gave another fleeting yelp and turned tail back towards the village. 


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