The Dragon and the Princess by Caterina Nikolaus

A fairy tale

The dragon and the princess

Scared of the dragon, the princess wants to do evil to him.

However, he is very virtuous.

Will he be able to save himself?

A story about fear and prejudice, written for children to understand




Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic

Secondary Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / Survival Stories

Language: English

Keywords: dragon, female hero, fantasy, magic, wartime story

Word Count: 6500

Sales info:

Originally written in Italian. Now translated, selling in different languages

Sample text:


The sun is rising. It’s going to be a wonderful summer’s day.

Puff the dragon goes for a walk. He crosses through a large forest. The tree trunks are brown; the leaves are green. The trees greet him and stroke him with their branches.

He sees the sea from afar.

A squirrel climbs a tree. Three deer greet Puff with their legs.

A wren flutters out of a flock of birds, lands on a branch and begins to sing.

Puff stands still. “What did you say? Please say it again.”

The wren answers, “Look at the sky: it’s beautiful. The sun is rising. The other birds are flying in the sky. The sky is azure blue. The sun is yellow; the clouds are white. And the sky is beautiful. But be careful. Someone’s coming. A deer. He’s looking at you: Hide behind a tree.”

The squirrels that heard him jump into the bushes; the small, cute, brown and black squirrels.

The deer, big and beautiful, keep grazing.

However, Puff walks on. He comes to a meadow. The meadow is green and there are fragrant flowers.

The birds, big and small, fly in the sky; some of the rather small ones are pretty.

And Puff is careful.

A man walks out of the forest, sees the dragon and is frightened.

The wren says to Puff, “Come with me somewhere else. The people here are scared of you.”

They head back into the forest; it’s cool and beautiful in there.


But Puff is carrying a hoard of gold in a sack.

That’s why when he meets someone another time, Puff asks him, “Who are you?”

The dragon gives the poor men gold coins.

Because of that, the people aren’t scared of the dragon any more.    Instead, they’re happy to have a little gold. They can go home and buy something for themselves.


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Unavailable for translation.
Unavailable for translation.
Unavailable for translation.
Already translated. Translated by George Ribeiro
Unavailable for translation.

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