The Coming Times by Helen Jane Rose

A Pathway To Inner Peace

A guide to finding inner calm and peace during the chaotic times of the shift

The coming times

Unstable times call for unconventional solutions and for those seeking peace within the chaos The Coming Times: A Pathway To Inner Peace offers spiritual solutions for living a surrendered soul-led life for the times ahead - full of peace, love, abundance & adventure.

The book presents timely channeled teachings & guidance from a collaboration of enlightened beings, 'The Divine Council', scribed through automatic writing, edited only for punctuation, with the purpose of helping us to transcend from awakening and into enlightenment. It is a book for NOW!

'The Divine Council' offer much needed clarity for the times ahead, urging us to raise our consciousness, teaching us that surrender is the solution for experiencing true inner peace. They remind us that our greatest help to ourselves and humanity is to focus inwards and overcome the control of our minds - only then will we free ourselves.

Chapter Titles:

Introduction - How This Book Came To Be
Align With Your Soul That's What's Asked Of You
A Love Of Self Is Needed More Than Ever Before
Finding Peace Within The Chaos
Master Your Mind So That It's No Longer The Master Of You
You Are A Victor, Not A Victim
Trust That Your Soul Is Guiding You
Surrendering To Your Soul Will Set You Free
The Coming Crisis Is Part Of The Divine Plan
Nothing Is What It Seems On The World Stage
Becoming An Emissary Of Peace During Wartime
It's Time To Shift From Fear To Love
Final Word From The Divine Council
The Universal Law Of Surrender
I Am Statements


A few examples of what people are saying about The Coming Times:

5.0 out of 5 stars Thought Provoking
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 June 2024
Verified Purchase
Quiet an AMAZING book, I loved the easy to read format, broken into chapters with the reflective guidelines to do daily, weekly, whenever. It carefully outlines the agreement we have all made to ourselves and a higher source of energy, how to access that and how to incorporate it into your daily life. It is about connecting with your inner self and listening to your truth, accepting that truth and how you can move forward in truth. I loved this book, its easy language about surrendering and being more authentic with your 'self' when we live in an era of social expectancy's and media manipulation.

5.0 out of 5 stars i absolutely loved this book.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 21 May 2024
Verified Purchase
The coming times is a beautifully writen guide to living a more fullfilling and peaceful life. It's a lesson in trusting in the divine plan. everything is as exactly as it should be. A reminder to get out of our heads and into our hearts. This book is a nudge to reconnect with what really matters (YOU). I think this book is an inspiraional guide to living a happier life. In a world that encourages us to be fearful and against each other this was very uplifting to read. It resonated with me on a deep level. I will enjoy returning to it many times to remind myself how to live well. Thank you Helen


5.0 out of 5 stars This book is a game changer
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 21 May 2024
This book will help you activate your inner sovereignty, reclaim your connection to self
Stop you living in a fear state and step into love!
Many of us get caught up listening to our EGO mind instead of listening to our heart
The Coming times helps prepare you to becoming a more enlightened soul
The affirmations you say every morning really help start your day in a positive way
Thank you Helen and The Divine Council


Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Mysticism

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Channeling & Mediumship

Language: English

Keywords: surrender, letting go, channeling, inner peace, enlightenment, Consciousness, Awakening, Soul, automatic writing, flow, higher consciousness

Word Count: 40,993

Sales info:

102 so far it's just been published

Sample text:


Unstable times call for unconventional solutions and The Coming Times is definitely an unusual book in terms of its content and how it was conceived. I am only the scribe of the book which was written through automatic writing from a collaboration of enlightened beings, The Divine Council. I describe automatic writing as writing without any conscious thought about what I’m writing about. As I write, I don’t think. I can’t. I get tingling in my hands and it’s as if my hand is taken over and is being used to write – a bit like how a trance channel’s body gets taken over, my hand does as I allow the words to flow.                

I know it sounds pretty out there to say that I don’t know what I’m writing about, but it isn’t anything new and is something that others have done throughout the centuries. Some more modern-day automatic writers include Patience Worth, Geraldine Cummins, Jane Roberts, Helen Schucman, Neale Donald Walsch & Esther Hicks.  

How automatic writing happened for me was in a very unassuming way. There was no dramatic incident…yet it was life changing. I was going through a challenging time and seeing a counselor who introduced me to inner child healing. He told me to try an exercise where I asked my inner child a question with my right hand and answered with my left. It seemed a bit weird, but I tried it anyway.                                                                                                

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Mafalda Mergen
Translation in progress. Translated by Ricardo Mariano

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
