The bible says, “….Abstain from all appearance of evil.….” (1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV). There are too many groups or individuals representing Christianity, in the lime lights of life, who care nothing about how they appear to the Holy God, the world, or those who are witnessing their actions or behaviors. True adherents sit back and say nothing while others blatantly misrepresent Christianity and allow it to “appear” as an evil religion or give it a bad name among possible converts or those who are novices of the Gospel of Salvation. “….Abstain from all appearance of evil.….” (1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV). There are many things absolutely and undoubtedly forbidden by the Word of God, yet many, who claim Christianity, do them anyway knowing they are wrong, improper, or inconsistent with biblical principles. Christians are more divided than ever on their opinions of what is considered sinful or not sinful these days. Right and wrong is NOT based on human opinion or feelings about something, but it is supposedly based on the truth of God’s Word.
Christian conduct is often based on man’s opinion or feelings about God’s word than God’s actual truth. Some Christian conduct is CLEAR in God’s word and doesn’t need some major deciphering or interpretation to understanding what is required of individuals.
There may be debates over how to dress, types of music to listen to, whether to drink wine or not, or is it okay to smoke cigarettes, or what games are acceptable to play, but even those should be engaged in based on whether or not they “appear” evil. The concern is not simply a matter of right and wrong, but does it violate, or corrupt your representation of the Holy God and his Holy values.
Christianity has GAINED a negative reputation NOT because it’s a negative FAITH system, but because the people claiming Christianity have TARNISHED it.
According to historical literature Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying: “I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” That was Gandhi’s observation of those claiming Christianity as their faith system.
Christianity has been high-jacked, abused, misrepresented, twisted, and contaminated over the years from inappropriate use by individuals or by groups whose agenda does NOT match that of Jesus Christ at all.
Christians are to become and act like Jesus Christ in this world. Real Christians are progressively being conformed to his image. “…In this world we are LIKE JESUS…” (1 John 4:17 NIV). “…be[ing]… conformed to the IMAGE OF HIS SON…” (Romans 8:29 KJV).
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Translation in progress.
Translated by Omar Saleh Camberos