TACTICS OF PROTECTION AND RESCUE IN DISASTER (Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama) by Vladimir M. Cvetković

The book "Protection and Rescue Tactics in Disasters" is a pioneering, original and comprehensive work in which the operational, tactical and strategic aspects of the design, implementation and application of protection and rescue measures in various disa

Tactics of protection and rescue in disaster (taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama)

The book "Protection and Rescue Tactics in Disasters" is a pioneering, original and comprehensive work in which the operational, tactical and strategic aspects of the design, implementation and application of protection and rescue measures in various disasters caused by natural ( earthquakes, landslides, landslides, floods, torrents, avalanches, tsunamis, forest fires, epidemics, epiphytonosis, epizoonosis, volcanic eruptions, droughts, extreme snowfalls, blizzards and blizzards, etc.) and anthropogenic or technical-technological hazards (nuclear and radiological, transport and industrial hazards, hazardous materials, war destruction and terrorist attacks). The textbook on the tactics of protection and rescue in disasters is primarily intended for students of basic, master's and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Security of the University of Belgrade and at the Criminalistics and Police University, but also for the wider scientific and professional public who are interested in the most modern solutions, methods and principles of human protection and property in disasters caused by natural and anthropogenic hazards. The author tried to make the content of the textbook compatible with the curriculum of the subject Protection from natural and anthropogenic disasters, which is studied in the fourth year of basic academic studies at the Faculty of Security. For these reasons, the author made serious efforts to align the textbook standards with the basic scientific-professional, pedagogical and didactic-methodical requirements and standards. Unfortunately, in our region, there was no textbook on the basis of which one could see the whole picture and learn basic information about tactical procedures and recommendations for dealing with various disasters. In domestic scientific literature, the area of tactics for protecting and saving people in disasters is insufficiently researched, comprehensive and systematic, and especially not structured in terms of content in one comprehensive textbook. Sporadic approaches in different scientific disciplines to this subject of study were approached by scientists from different fields and spheres of interest. Nevertheless, the uniqueness of this book is reflected in the serious efforts of the author to comprehensively complete the modest and insufficiently grounded fund of scientific knowledge about the diversity of tactical approaches in phenomenologically and etiologically different disasters that threaten the individual and society. The book that is in front of you is fully aligned with the specifics of the approach that the author applies in considering the issue of tactics for protecting and rescuing people in disasters. The author presents numerous examples from practice on which he bases his elaborations regarding the recommended and correct way of acting for all members of the competent services in disasters. Also, the author bases the construction of theoretical principles, concepts and suggestions on his personal rich scientific research experience and works that he used to a large extent to write textbooks. The book sublimates the results of many of his own scientific research published in the last ten years, which represent a rich theoretical and empirical treasure trove of data created in the last decade of his scientific research work. The quality of the textbook is reflected in the harmonization of the text with the most modern theoretical achievements and funds of theoretical and empirical knowledge in the field of protection and rescue of people in disasters in the territory of the Russian Federation, the United States of America, China, Germany and other countries. While working on the book, the author encountered numerous challenges and obstacles that he had to overcome in order for the book to acquire its scientific and pragmatic value. The selection of the most significant tactical solutions in different national disaster protection and rescue systems was a real challenge. A lot of thought was needed in the direction of adapting the tactical recommendations to the socio-economic and other circumstances in Serbia. The adaptation of rich scientific and professional terminology from different speaking areas and socio-political and socio-economic environments, and in the context of protection and rescue tactics in disasters, forced the proposal of new terms suitable for the Serbian speaking area. Translations of many professional terms from the field of disaster studies are not uniformly established, neither in theory nor in practice. The aspiration towards universal concepts, especially in operations of joint action in preventing the occurrence or spread of the consequences of disasters, simply imposes itself as a kind of imperative. The conceptual creation, organization and text of the textbook itself was accompanied by serious challenges already mentioned, and it was difficult to respond to all the requests that arose during the writing itself. Limitations regarding the number of pages, followed by requests to meet scientific and professional needs, creating the basis for further progress and development of the theoretical and empirical fund of scientific knowledge and different perspectives of numerous scientific disciplines, had an impact on the quality, organization and comprehensiveness of the book.

Genre: SOCIAL SCIENCE / Disasters & Disaster Relief

Secondary Genre: YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Science & Nature / Disasters

Language: Other (Serbian)

Keywords: disaster, tactics, protection, resque

Word Count: 188000

Sample text:

У терминологији студија катастрофа, појам тактика заштите и спасавања у катастрофама се почиње све више користити за означавање начина, процедура и редоследа одређеног стручног поступања интервентно-спасилачких служби приликом предузимања мера заштите и спасавања у катастрофама изазваним природним или техничко-технолошким опасностима. Може се посматрати као наука и вештина организовања поступања интервентно-спасилачких служби приликом предузимања мера заштите и спасилачких активности у различитим фазама пре, за време и након катастрофе.

Узимајући у обзир Националну стратегију заштите и спасавања у катастрофама (2011. године) тактика заштите и спасавања у катастрофама представљала би конкретизацију споменуте стратегије и изналажење односно примене начина, метода и средстава у циљу остваривања циљева дате стратегије. У катастрофама које уобичајено нарушавају нормално функционисање друштвених јединица и услед чега долази до паралисања читавих других система, биће ангажован велики број људства и опреме у реализацији компликованих операција заштите и спасавања људи, њихових материјалних добара и животне средине.

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