Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving in by Roger Fisher - Book Summary - Readtrepreneur
(Disclaimer: This is NOT the original book, but an unofficial summary.)
Start feeling in control when negotiating personal and professional arguments. Getting to Yes reveals a spectacular method about how to bend the debate to your will but also doing so without losing emotional control. In an argument, getting angry can really harm your point and make you communicate your ideas in a wrong way. The objective of this book is to teach you how to be in full control of yourself and the discussion.
(Note: This summary is wholly written and published by readtrepreneur. It is not affiliated with the original author in any way)
"The ability to see the situation as the other side sees it, as difficult as it may be, is one of the most important skills a negotiator can possess." - Roger Fisher
When in the middle of a negotiation, do you focus on position instead of interests? If you don't then you are doing it wrong! But don't worry, in Getting to Yes you will learn everything you need to do about the art of negotiation. After you are done with the book, you'll be able to separate the people from the problem, work together to create opinions that will satisfy both parties and be able to succeed in negotiations with people who are more powerful or don't play by the rules. Roger Fisher stresses how straightforward and universally applicable is his negotiation method. So no matter where and what you are doing, you'll be able to take your negotiation skills to a whole new level.
P.S. Getting to Yes is an extremely useful book that will help you master the art of negotiation and also remind you of the importance of keeping your emotions in check when the discussion is its most heated moment.
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Chapter 1. Optimal Stopping – When to Stop Looking
One thing that makes life difficult is not knowing when to stop – this has been labeled as the Optimal Stopping Problem. There is a danger of quitting too early and missing out on something good, or quitting too late and exhausting the little energy and time that we have.
Thankfully, there is an algorithm that will make decisions much easier. It’s not entirely foolproof, but it will produce better outcomes than doing things randomly.
The Optimal Stopping Problem deals not with what option to select but how many choices to consider. Based on statistical data, the ideal percentage is 37%.
The Secretary Problem explores the idea of Optimal Stopping. Someone tasked to hire a secretary has to choose among applicants, but he must know when to stop so that he will not miss someone who is good for the job.
In looking for the secretary, stopping late means prolonging the choice unnecessarily, while stopping too early lets the best applicant go unhired. The strategy is to find a reasonable balance between the two conditions.