Take the nonsense and confusion out of learning self defense.
This book will be your street survival guide and will simplify the process of learning self defense.
If you want to learn about self defense this book will help you do that.
In this book you will learn:
How to defend yourself and NOT get arrested in the process
How to avoid being a victim of violence
How to spot and avoid trouble before it happens
How to handle trouble when it does happen
How to manage feelings of fear and adrenaline
How to deal with the aftermath of violence
And much more
If you are just beginning your journey in self defense this book will help you do that by telling you exactly what you need to know in simple and concise terms. This is no bullshit self defense.
Genre: EDUCATION / General
Consistent sales and ranking. 17 positive reviews.
Probably the number one reason most people take up the martial arts is to learn how to defend themselves if ever the need arises. Self defense is considered by many to be a very necessary and desirable skill to have in a society where violence and attacks on innocent people are the norm.
It seems every time we pick up a newspaper or watch television we are bombarded by images of violence and stories of people getting attacked on the street or in their own homes, often for no other reason than they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I am not of course suggesting that you will get attacked every time you step out your front door (or even when you close it behind you). What I am suggesting is that sometimes these incidents happen, often when we least expect them.
It is surely better to be prepared enough for such incidents that you are able to respond in a way that will save you from harm as opposed to not responding at all and perhaps, in a worst case scenario, losing your life.
This book is therefore aimed at those who…
• Have no experience of self defense training but want to learn.
• Have experience in self defense but want to deepen their understanding and fill the gaps in their knowledge.
Language | Status |
Already translated.
Translated by Karla Marques V.
Already translated.
Translated by David Arieta Galván