Storm Clouds Rolling In (#1 in the Bregdan Chronicles Historical Fiction Series) by Ginny Dye

Book # 1 in the Best-Selling Bregdan Chronicles historical fiction series

Storm clouds rolling in (#1 in the bregdan chronicles historical fiction series)

This is the listing on Amazon:

Review:  Best Historical Fiction series I have ever read!  Keep them coming! ~ Dotti

I expected to like this book.  I did not expect to be hooked! This series is, quite simply, the best historical fiction I have ever read. I’m in love with the characters, I can’t sleep because I’m too busy reading, I have learned more than I ever thought possible, and I’ve been inspired to become a better person. My advice to you? READ THEM!   ~ Jeri

Storm Clouds Rolling In is the first book in the ongoing Bregdan Chronicles historical novel series. It's readers like you who have turned it into a world-wide best-seller. Thank you! 

Book Description: Carrie Cromwell comes of age as the dark clouds of the Civil War swallow the country. Born with a fiery spirit and a strong mind, this strong woman finds herself struggling between the common wisdom of the South and the devastating truth she has discovered. 

The activities of the Underground Railroad and her close friendships with the Cromwell Plantation slaves create agonizing choices. But when her decisions put her at odds with her heritage, and challenge her dreams, will she be able to give up all that is precious to her? What price will she be willing to pay?

This first book of The Bregdan Chronicles historical fiction series will pull you in and never let you go. You'll experience the Civil War era (and all the years to come) through the eyes of both White and Black, free & slave, Southern & Northern - and you'll fall in love with every character. How many books will there be? Ginny has no idea - she intends to write these character's stories for as long as she can!  

Review:  I never thought I would find a series to enthrall me like The Bregdan Chronicles has. I was wrong! I am struggling to find appropriate words to describe the awe I am in, and I find myself failing miserably. I absolutely could not put these books down. I would finish one, and immediately hop online to go get the next one....sometimes in the wee hours of the morning, when my tail should have been asleep. The writing style of this author brings you right into the story as if you are a part of it. She has amazing talent to capture the imagination, and bring you right into a virtual reality. I have fallen in love with every one of these characters - especially the strong women! - and have become completely entranced with each life represented.

The historical account of this time period was so right on, so very vivid, you almost feel like you've walked right into it. These books became so alive, I actually had dreams at night of battle. (I'm not even kidding.) But it goes further. There were conversations in these books that had me reading over them several times. Life lessons. Sage advice. The kind of wisdom that comes from every day life. Moments that were so profound, they pierced my heart with an accuracy that I can't even begin to explain. Many times, the lives and hearts of each character were changed and rocked with revelation that came about in a moment, yet, so deeply touching the deepest recesses of the heart, that you can't go beyond it, without it having changed you as well, as you read it.

Thank you Ginny Dye...not only for an amazing journey....but for those light bulb moments,throughout each book, that reached beyond the pages, and made their home inside the soul. What can I say overall? Well, let me put it like this: these books are like... "Gone with the Wind" meets up with "Eat,Pray,Love"; then whispers some "Secret life of Bees", forges some "Steel Magnolia's", and at times, wraps itself with the "Color Purple." Sigh. Did I mention how much I loved these books?

Genre: FICTION / Historical

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Christian / Historical

Language: English

Keywords: Historical Fiction, Civil War History, Inspirational fiction, historical romance

Word Count: 160,701

Sales info:

I realize whoever chooses to translate this book/series is taking on a huge job, and I only want to work with someone who would want to continue with all the books in the series.  Will it be worth it?  If US sales are any indication... YES.  My desire is to create a partnership with translators who will be as passionate about this series as I am!

Storm Cloud Rolling In has held the #1 ranking in 3 different Amazon categories for close to five years.  When it's not at # 1, it's almost always in the top 5 - rarely in the top 10.  I sell somewhere between 150 - 300 a day of Storm Clouds Rolling In (print, e-book, audio).  

That reality has created best-seller status for each of the additional thirteen books in the series - with more coming.  My author rank (income earned from all books in my series is #42 out of all Amazon authors for Historical fiction ebooks, and #63 for historical fiction print books.  

Storm Clouds has  3764 four and five star reviews on Amazon, and 7422 four and five star ratings on Goodreads.

I have close to 14,000 4 & 5 star reviews for the series in totality.  The last book (#14) was released on December 15, 2018.  Many more are coming.  I tell people it's a series with no ending!  

My books are very popular in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and a growing number of readers in India, though I know I've only scratched the surface there.

Sample text:


Moses had come to watch his daddy die.

Slinking back into the sheltering brush, he struggled to evade the probing fingers of light groping for him from the blazing fire.  The two men coaxing the fire into a roaring mountain of flame had not heard him creep to where he could see into the clearing.  His ebony skin and rough, dark clothes merged into the darkness.  The only evidence of hs presence was the glowing white of his eyes.  He would take his chances.  Nothing would keep him from this last glimpse of his daddy.

He knew his mama would thrash him good when she found out he had come.  He could well imagine her fear when she discovered he was gone, but he'd had no choice.  He had to.  At eleven years of age he was was now the man of the house.  He couldn't live with himself if he didn't do this.  He had to say goodbye to his daddy.

"Bring him on, boys!" A hoarse shout exploded into the still night.

Moses slunk back further into the darkness, every muscle tense with fear.  They were coming!

"The rope's ready.  There's soon to be one less nigger to bother us."

Moses shuddered at the hatred oozing from the unknown, and as yet unseen, man's voice.  He knew if they found him they wouldn't hesitate to kill him as well.  Killing was in the air tonight.  He could feel it as surely as he could feel the velvety leaves brushing against him.

It had started the night before when the slaves on the Martin plantation revolted.  Before the night was over they had killed Master Martin and set fire to his barns.  Over fifty slaves had disappeared into the inky Virginia night.  News had spread fast to the other plantations.  Over two hundred slaves had made their break for freedom.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
