Speed Reading: Triple Your Reading Speed and Be More Productive by Davis Bailly

(48) Triple Your Reading Speed and Be More Productive

Speed reading: triple your reading speed and be more productive


Start employing these techniques today and as they become second nature, you will find that your retention, reading speed will improve exponentially; essentially improving your overall brain power. Imagine being able to remember everything you see and hear. Enjoy perfect recall when meeting new people and to remember all of the pertinent details of your life.

Reading is something we do everyday, we read when we communicate as well as for gaining knowledge from books. You may have heard of speed reading before and brushed it off as something not important, but learning how to speed read can drastically improve your reading speed in a matter of hours. Just by reading this book and using the techniques that are provided, you will be able to double or triple your current reading speed.

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 11035

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Sample text:

It was previously thought that your eyes focus on specific letters in a word, it is now understood that your eyes focus on different letters at the same time, usually two characters apart. Your brain puts these letters together to form a word as you see it. The idea of reading is to be able to understand what you are reading. How well you comprehend what you are reading is determined by your reading speed, the breadth of your vocabulary, and your degree of familiarity of the subject matter.


The three different types of reading will determine how fast you read a text.

Mental reading (otherwise known as sub vocalization) is sounding out each word in your head as you are reading. Mental readers usually read at approximately 250 words per minute.
Auditory reading is hearing out the words and auditory readers can read at approximately 450 words per minute.

Visual readers do not need to sound out the word- they understand the meaning of the word and visual readers can read at approximately 700 words per minute

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