Speed Reading: Triple Your Reading and Accelerate Your Reading by Puneet Wilkens

(53) Triple Your Reading and Accelerate Your Reading

Speed reading: triple your reading and  accelerate your reading


For some people, this learning comes easily. These are people who are able to absorb and retain information almost as easily as eating food. For others, however, this task requires more effort. Whether it’s in absorbing the information, or retaining it later, the learning process can prove harder for many. 

This subliminal hypnosis program works for you on three different levels - positive affirmations will be spoken during your deepest state of open relaxation, low binaural beats that are almost imperceptible to the human ear work with your subconscious mind to anchor the positive affirmations to help you with speed-reading, and ancient solfeggio tones 


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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 8464

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Sample text:

Speed reading is not something that comes naturally to the majority of people. Nearly everyone is pre-conditioned to move slowly through text, looking back frequently and making sure they are able to understand each part of every sentence.

Thanks to early education, you actually have to “un-train” yourself. Believe it or not, the reading habits that you have already accumulated need to be eliminated so that you can develop new and better habits!

In this section, you’ll be learning about some of the more popular options.

Test out each method, and look at the pros and cons.

Don’t forget that just because you’ve selected one method to start with doesn’t mean the rest of these techniques are out of bounds.

You can start with one technique and gradually work on the others as you become more proficient. Combining techniques will help you increase your reading speed even more.

However, the technique used to learn to read faster is not the only factor at play here.

Word to the Wise: Learning anything new and developing a new habit can be frustrating and tough at times. Keep in mind why you’re wanting to improve your reading. Is it for school? Is it for work? So you can have more time to spend with friends and family or to work on a passion project?

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