Speed Reading: The Ultimate Guide to Your Reading Speed Learning Abilities by Edwin Erwin

The Ultimate Guide to Your Reading Speed Learning Abilities

Speed reading: the ultimate guide to your reading speed learning abilities


This book introduces you to the main themes and ideas of speed reading, giving you a basic knowledge and understanding of the key concepts, together with practical and thought-provoking exercises.

Many people dread reading for any reason. They do not realize how beneficial it can be. Some people love reading for relaxation, but they hate reading for information. If you are one of these people, this is the book for you

Speed reading is a combination of different techniques and strategies, which helps you to increase your reading speed. Scanning and skimming are the two most common techniques that are being used for speed reading. In this modern era, we have everything except for time. In this hi-tech era people have a lot to do, they cannot hold a book or a laptop and read whole day. Hence, the importance of reading with speed emerges.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying, ]

Word Count: 14834

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Sample text:

 Mental distractions – do you have a really tough exam coming in a few days? Is your boss stressing you about that deadline? Thoughts that occupy and cloud our minds, especially the kind that we can’t seem to stop thinking of because they worry us. This is a hindrance to speed-reading because they continue to flow even while trying to understand the text. Making it more difficult so because you are trying to understand a text at a quicker than usual rate and your brain, being a beginner, has not yet quite gotten accustomed to the focus it needs to attain to block out all other distractions.Physical distractions – if physical distractions are around, a completely clear mind will still be of no avail. 

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