Sparrow In The Mirror by KUNAL NARAYAN UNIYAL

Find the bird within

Sparrow in the mirror

Ever since the act of disobedience, man has been at constant war with his greatest adversary, his EGO.

The more he gives in to his ego, the farther he gets from his divine self. His materialistic motives, quest for power and gross indifference alienate and isolate him. Enslaved by ego, the man delights in false pride, falser glory and falsest security. The quest never ends. The thirst is never quenched. Mind remains pre-occupied. The heart seethes in turmoil. Cold reason clouds wisdom and the human birth crave for justification.

Yet, the benevolent lord has a master plan. We are all endowed with his kingdom within. The moment we begin our journey inwards, the mist begins to disappear. Infinite wisdom dawns. All noise cease and calmness seeps in. Real joy springs from the heart leading to peace, harmony and poise. All it takes is just a pause and a peep within

Genre: POETRY / Asian / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Divination / General

Language: English

Keywords: Life, Philosophy, spirituality, poetry

Word Count: 10000

Sales info:

Book is published by roman books london and is available online and offline for reading

Sample text:




My desire to live, life vanquished by no pain

My desire to secure life, life agitated with no cry of strain

I held my hopes tight,

 My whole heart working hard to achieve my lovely fate


Fate which was not mine

But bandaged to my relentless ego, my desire for crime

Just to give me hope, to surge to the heaven

Which was so huge and large for my tiny soul

What is that I achieve?

Diving into the depth of time each day, each moment

 Trying to stop In vain,

Still moving with the same ordain

My ego satisfied at every moment,

My past forgiven with every passing time

I get nothing, just nothing

With my heart still weeping for the fill,

Which still bothers me

Even with this mortal world at my feet


The fog of maya is gone;

The dark of passion is now dissipating

With the vision of divine slowly paving the way

The road to life is now clear;

Sun has finally risen above the smog filled town

Smog mix of desire, my ego

And my desperate run in this mortal filled town


Now I surrender, my Lord

This strained soul, to the feet of divine

Surrender of my cloak will not do

Neither will this material bless

Till my ego will have surrendered,

My desire has filled its time

To you I give

My mighty wealth accumulated and primed in this mortal life

I surrender my Lord; I surrender me my Christ,

I surrender all my ego to you

And await

My trial in the kingdom of you

Where I get an answer

To all the waste, the taste and the life I lived

With you by my side

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Marlies Perman
Already translated. Translated by Adriana Sacciotto
Already translated. Translated by Garye Maraboto
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