Slow Cooker: Rich And Tasty Slow Cooking Recipes Cookbook (For Whole Family) by Gary Drummond

Rich And Tasty Slow Cooking Recipes Cookbook (For Whole Family)

Slow cooker: rich and tasty slow cooking recipes cookbook (for whole family)


Easy to use and very economical, slow cookers are one of the many pieces of kitchen equipment that are really worth investing in. Not only can you leave them to cook meals for you and adjust how you want your meals to be cooked but you can also use a slow cooker for a variety of recipes as well—from soups to stews to meats. Even slow cooked low-carb recipes will still be as tasty and flavorful, allowing you to enjoy every bite of your me

Imagine being able to come straight home to a hot, home cooked meal, that you prepared, without having to make that extra stop to pick up food somebody else made on your way home from work. This book provides all of the information necessary to get off on a good foot with your crock pot. Whether for breakfast or dinner, sides or dessert, these recipes will provide a tasty, easy alternative to fast food and take out. So plug in that crock pot, and let’s get started.

You don’t have to choose between healthy meals and slaving over a hot stove after a long day at work! When you walk out the door in the morning, you know that you will have a healthy, delicious meal waiting for your family – even if everyone is on a different schedule that day!


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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Slow Cooking

Language: English

Keywords: crockpot, slow cooker, multi cooker, instant pot, pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, dieting, weight loss, fasting, diet, paleo diet

Word Count: 3941

Sales info:

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Sample text:


There are numerous reasons to love Slow Cooker. Here are just a few of the main advantages, however, the more you'll use this device in the kitchen, this list will increase.


Time-saver device
From now you are not a slave in your kitchen. All time you need is only for preparation, no more than 10-15 minutes. Your slow cooker will do all the job while you are doing anything else.


One-pot dishes
You can cook your favorite dishes without a lot of dishes for washing. Slow cooker is the perfect device for one-pot dishes. Just load prepared ingredients, turn on the device and that's all!


Delicious & healthy dishes
Since preparing in the slow cooker is mainly using fresh ingredients, a low cooking temperature leaves a numerous useful components. Vegetables and meat cooked in the slow cooker give off a lot of juices, soak them up, mix, giving a fuller flavor.


Easy cleaning
Thanks to the fact that only one device is used, washing it is much easier and faster than a huge number of pans, pots and other appliances.


Usage all year round
Slow cooker is the ideal device for cooking vegetables. Therefore it is perfect for cooking dishes from summer vegetables such as zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes and peppers, and from winter ones - pumpkin, carrots, potatoes and so on.


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Already translated. Translated by Renan Flores

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