Slow Cooker: Mouth Watering Delicious Crockpot Recipes Cookbook (Recipes For Beginners) by Sofia Kazmierczak

Mouth Watering Delicious Crockpot Recipes Cookbook (Recipes For Beginners)

Slow cooker: mouth watering delicious crockpot recipes cookbook (recipes for beginners)


If you like to try something new for your Slow Cooker this book is perfect for you as it’s full of exciting Latin food recipes. You will surely adore each recipe here from its first to last as they will for sure astonish you with new flavours and all have clickable links in the table of contents so it’s easy to find them. They also have step by step instructions to make it easy to cook your favourite recipe.

And no one really enjoys choosing fast fried food over a hearty and delicious homemade meal. Over the past few years, slow cooker recipes have become a household staple; giving families and hungry invididuals the perfect opportunity to eat some truly amazing food, without sacrificing hours of their time. Most slow cooker meals take just minutes to prepare, and are easy to store and eat at another time. You do not have to spend hours preparing the ingredients, then waiting another few hours waiting for the food to cook! Slow cookers are the best method for anyone who loves delicious food that is easy to make with the minimal amount of effort put forth.

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Slow Cooking

Language: English

Keywords: crockpot, slow cooker, multi cooker, instant pot, pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, dieting, weight loss, fasting, diet, paleo diet

Word Count: 4898

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Sample text:

a)    Keep crock-pot lid closed: If you are at home and making the day meal in slow cooker, then you may tend to peek at the food and stir it, while cooking process is on. However, it would be better if you can control yourself from peeking frequently and from stirring the food in between. Because every time you open the lid, you slow down the cooking process by at least 10 – 15 minutes. So, the more you stir it, it would take more time to cook and will test your patience. You may also get delayed for serving the meal for your family or guests. Slow cooker needs very little or no attention or supervision during cooking. So, it’s you who have to minimize the number of stirring, keep the lid closed and your meal will be ready on time.


b)    Do not allow abrupt shift of temperature of the crock: Never put a hot ceramic insert into the cold counter, as it may lead to cracks. If you have to do that in any case, then first put dish towel in the counter before placing the hot ceramic insert.


c)     Opt for browning: Instead of just arranging the ingredients in the crock pot, turning the cooker on and getting a dish ready, opt for browning prior to cooking. This improves taste, flavor and texture. This trick can be perfectly applied for meats (ground or shredded) and sauces. The meat gets additional flavor and texture; and sauces get more thickness when browned in advance before putting them in the slow cooker pot.


d)    Avoid using frozen ingredients: Except pre-packed, frozen, ready-made slow cooker meals, avoid using any other frozen items while cooking in slow cooker. The items must be thawed properly before you put them in crock-pot. Otherwise there is a chance for the bacteria to get flourished.

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