Slow Cooker: Delicious Slow Cooker Recipes Without Hassle (Healthy Recipes Cookbook) by Martha Deorsa

Delicious Slow Cooker Recipes Without Hassle (Healthy Recipes Cookbook)

Slow cooker: delicious slow cooker recipes without hassle (healthy recipes cookbook)


Congratulation! You are using your slow cooker. How awesome… certainly because you already know: this budget-friendly cooking method is a way to enjoy great-tasting meals with minimum amount of effort.

very person, regardless of age, must have a balanced diet. Your organism must be supplied with good and healthy food, as the material needed for its proper body and mind development, as well as a working power. Cooking at home is the best way to take control of your diet. In your slow cooker, you will use mainly fresh food and simmer it at a low temperature. It means that nutrition-rich ingredients from food are retained.

From mouth watering classics to more exotic creations, some recipes here, believe it or not, contain secret ingredients such as chocolate and even coffee that give a wonderful twist to the chili recipe and help enhance its flavors. Cooking chili using a slow cooker is ideal as it gives time for the aromatic flavors to enhance the meat. Oftentimes, many chilies are made ‘on the go’ not giving the spices enough time to work fully, it’s a bit like cooking curry at home - it always tastes better the next day. This does not happen when you use the slow cooker, the recipe has many hours for the food to be infused with herbs, spices and seasoning.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Slow Cooking

Language: English

Keywords: crockpot, slow cooker, multi cooker, instant pot, pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, dieting, weight loss, fasting, diet, paleo diet

Word Count: 3603

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Sunday: Orchard Ham

Monday: Split Pea Soup

Tuesday: Ham ‘n' Apple Cheese Pie

Wednesday: Baked Lamb Shanks

Thursday: Lamb Rice

Friday: Easy Creamy Chicken

Saturday: Comforting chicken and stuffing

Recommended Side Dish: Green Bean Casserole

Special Dessert: Hot fudge cake

Orchard Ham


1 cup brown sugar
1 1/4 cups golden seedless raisins
5-6 lb. bone-in ham
Two tsp. Dry mustard
One tsp. Ground cloves
4 cups cider or apple juice


Place ham in slow cooker. Pour cider over meat.

Cover. Cook on low for 8-10 hours.
While the ham is cooking, make a paste by mixing the brown sugar, cloves, dry mustard and a few tablespoons of the hot cider from the cooker in a bowl. Set it aside.
As your cooking time nears the end, remove ham from cider and place in a nine by thirteen-inch baking pan, or one that is big enough to hold the ham.
Brush the paste over ham. Later, pour a cup of juice from the slow cooker into your baking pan. (Don't pour it over the ham: you do not want to wash off the paste.) Stir raisins into the cider in the baking pan.

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